Monday, June 17, 2013

supply lists.

So, as this is my first year teaching, I was absolutely terrified about coming up with my supply list to give to my principal. What if I spent too much? What if I didn't spend enough? What if I run out of paint halfway through the second semester?

One thing that helped me out immensely was the previous teacher's list. She had a list of what she'd ordered the last year and how much of everything. That gave me at least a guideline to go by for things like glue and construction paper and scissors. But I'm planning on doing several projects that she didn't do. The classroom has a kiln (which I am beyond excited about) and she never used it. I want to use it but I have no idea how much clay or glaze to order. I had to make an educated guess.

Additionally, since I'm doing different projects and need supplied that Mrs. T didn't, I had to cut some of the things that were on her list. I had a lot of trouble with that.

My final total came to about $3800. Mrs. T told me she usually spent about $3600. Yikes. I sent it to my principal this morning with the assurance that I would cut some things if I needed to. It was still scary. I hate to be needy, especially my very first year. So we'll see how it goes. Hopefully I'll hear back from her soon.

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